Find and reach investors without ripping your hair out.

AngelReach is a database of 97,000+ investors (with their email, phone, social handles, and more). All the legwork, done for you.

Capterra Badge based on 12+ reviews.
Raising money was a huge pain for us. AngelReach took a lot of that pain away. Instead of wasting time hunting all over for investors, their database put them all in one place. I’m very glad that we found AngelReach. Andy Hawkeys ★★★★★ CEO and Founder

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Basic $49 / mo




Growth $79 / mo
All prices are exclusive of VAT.

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Dear Entrepreneur,

We’ve been expecting you.

Because finding investors is time consuming.

Souring the internet to look for investors is now yet ANOTHER schlep on your plate. Another chore. Another hat to put on.

You’re running a startup after all. You’ve got a big responsibility. It isn’t easy. We know what you’re up against.

And the last thing you need is more busywork to distract you from the main thing. The make-or-break stuff.

Stalking investors on LinkedIn, figuring out if they’re a fit (and even invest in your space), tracking down their contact info—that’s stuff you should NOT be doing.

So we built AngelReach to lend a hand.

We found 97,000+ investors and compiled their email, cell, social handles, and more in one place.

So you can focus on raising money and your product, not hunting for investors.

Keshav Khaneja (founder and CEO)

Who are we?

Developers! Developers! Developers!

Keshav Khaneja Keshav Khaneja Co-Founder

Keshav started Framedate Media and later launched AngelReach after seeing how tough fundraising can be. He now handles all the marketing + backend at AngelReach.

Nirbhay Singla Nirbhay Singla Co-Founder

Nirbhay is a first-year Mechatronics Engineering student at the University of Sydney. He's been involved in a few startups, in the US and in AU. He now takes care of the tech/product side of AngelReach.

Friendly folks, standing by.

There are no stupid questions. For pre-sales questions or existing customers who need a hand, contact us and we’ll get back to you within 4 hours.